Gareth Porter: The Shaky Case That Russia Manipulated Social Media to Tip the 2016 Election — a Dismantling of the Deep State Narrative Promulgated by the CIA and the NYT

The Shaky Case That Russia Manipulated Social Media to Tip the 2016 Election Published in full text online with permission of the author in order to enable this important work to be read in Russian and other languages using the translation widget. The idea promoted by NYT’s Shane & Mazzetti that the Russian government seriously …

Wayne Jett: Post-Kavanaugh Blood-Letting

KAVANAUGH PICNIC ENDS Total Public Revulsion Lies Ahead Kavanaugh Wrap-Up Senate Democrats offered to give Trump Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court if Trump would back off de-classifying evidence of DOJ/FBI collusion with the Clinton presidential campaign. Trump declined the offered deal and got Kavanaugh confirmed by battling to the end. Now the declassified evidence is …

Review: Bernie or Bust – Pioneers of Electoral Revolt

Mush with Three Pieces of Edible Sausage @BernieOrBust with Patrick Walker 4 stars While this book is valuable as an early overview of the how and why of the Sandernista revolution, it is also extremely tedious. Among the best points of the book are its articulation of all the frustrations with “Establishment Democrats” that led …

Richard Dolan: 9/11, MKULTRA, Joe Biden, End of the Constitution

Alert Reader flags the video below and provides the summary that is below the fold.  New information: Joe Biden, Zionist agent of influence? Key author of the Patriot Act going back to 1985 when Zionists started planning 9/11 in earnest. If Cheney-Biden are a team, then treason really is non-partisan as we have stated in …

Robert Steele: Faux News Full of Shit, Deep State Outlet, Lying About Syria Gas Attacks – Faux News Joins Crap News Network as an Enemy of the American People – Heil Zion!

As I write this Shepard Smith, who speaks the words put in his mouth by his shyster producer, is listening to Ben Hall, a Zionist pimp based in Jerusalem, pushing the FALSE Zionist story that Assad is has “signed off” on a new gas attack.  Ben Hall is lying outright when he says on the …