SPECIAL: Open Letter to the New York Times (“All the News Allowed by Zionists”) — Your BDS Article is DISHONEST

Letter to the Editor, New York Times Is B.D.S. Anti-Semitic? A Closer Look at the Boycott Israel Campaign Your BDS article is dishonest.  Zionist Israel is an invented, genocidal, apartheid criminal state and most Jews oppose both the existence of the state, and its treatment of Palestinians.  I attach two images for information. I doubt …

Phil Giraldi: Nikki Haley – Zionist Bimbo in Chief for 2024?

Nikki Haley: Israel’s Choice for U.S. President American Free Press The real danger is what comes after Trump, in 2024. The preferred candidate by Israel and its lobby, and therefore the prohibitive favorite, is Trump’s former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley. If you think Trump is blindly and blatantly pro-Israel at the expense of American …

SPECIAL: Robert Steele: Zionist Strike 43 – Ben Garrison Disinvited from the White House

Zionist Strike 43: Controlling White House, Disinviting Ben Garrison The Zionists (the genocidal apartheid criminal invented state of Israel and its unregistered agents in the USA including AIPAC and ADL — not to be confused with Jews who uphold the Constitution) are clearly in control of the White House. We need a national “teach-in” on …

Paul Craig Roberts: Zionist Strike 42 – Penguin Random House Squeal Like Pigs and Succumb to Zionist Censorship

Penguin Random House Succumbs to Jewish Power and Imposes Censorship Penguin Random House Succumbs to Jewish Power and Imposes Censorship “Jewish power as I define it, is the power to silence criticism of Jewish power. Penguin Random House shamelessly succumbed to precisely this power last week.” — Gilad Atzmon “For my part, I welcome Penguin’s …