Jack Mullen: The Next American Revolution – Freedom from Zionist Genocidal Apartheid Criminal Israel

The Next American Revolution | Jack Mullen America has all but nearly succumbed to a soft coup and now serves the interests of Israel and the internal infiltration and subversion of its weaponize political system called Zionism. Ask why it is called anti-Semitic to discuss the agenda of Zionism or Israel’s influence on US internal …

Yoda: Zionist Strike 41 – CRY FREEDOM from Zionist Israel — Zionist Minister Bragging in NYC About Controlling 27 US States and National Elections?

Israeli government minister takes credit for 27 U.S. states passing anti-BDS laws Gilad Erdan, minister of strategic affairs, June 16, 2019, Jerusalem Post conference, NY, screenshot. A leading Israeli government minister takes credit for 27 U.S. states passing laws aimed at curbing citizens’ advocacy for BDS, the boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign targeting Israel.

Amos Gilad: The Zionist Paper Tiger – Isreal Goes Straight Toward an Implosion

Google translate of this Amos Gilad article which did not appear in English anywhere as far as I know.  The original title was “Israel is a tiger paper” “Spider web”: “Israel goes straight to implosion” (Amos Gilad) Original in French: “Toile d’araignée” : “Israël va droit vers l’implosion “(Amos Gilad) It is always an important …

Phil Giraldi: Zionist Strike 39, Trump Shlonged Again — David Schenker, Zionist Prat Boy, as Assistant Secretary of State for Genociding Palestinians

Welcome David Schenker Another Zionist in charge of American foreign policy To recap, Trump’s A-team in the Middle East is headed by his Jewish son-in-law Jared Kushner who is being personally advised by a group of Orthodox Jews. David Friedman, the U.S. (sic) Ambassador to Israel is also an Orthodox Jew and a former bankruptcy …

Zero Hedge: Zionist Strike 38 – Iran Is About America Last, Israel First — Until President Donald Trump Eradicates the Zionist Parasite He Will NOT Be the “Greatest President Ever”

Stockman: America Last – The Real Meaning Of Trump’s Deplorable Aggression Against Iran Phi Beta Iota: Stockman provides a  concise lesson in reality that is most favorable to Iran and that makes it clear Zionist Israel is the root cause of our persistent craven and expensive idiocy in the Middle East. See Also: 37 Zionist …

Caitlin Johnstone: Mike Pompeo Is an Interfering Zionist Toad and Asshole. Seriously

Uh… What Did Pompeo Mean When He Vowed To “Push Back” Against Corbyn? An audio recording from a private meeting that was leaked to The Washington Post reportedly features US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo vowing to “push back” against surging British Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, and many are concerned that what he said sounds an awful …