Caitlin Johnstone: US Foreign Policy Is a War on Disobedience

US Foreign Policy Is A War On Disobedience In an excellent new essay titled “We’re Not the Good Guys — Why Is American Aggression Missing in Action?“, Tom Engelhardt criticizes the way western media outlets consistently describe the behavior of disobedient nations like Iran as “aggressions”, but never use that label for the (generally antecedent …

Berto Jongman: Big Tech and Control Of Internet

Bringing big tech to heel: how do we take back control of the internet? The project will reference the world-leading Global Data Protection Regulation developed by the European Union. Under the regulation, the idea that you control your data footprint has been accepted and embedded with privacy protocols placing enforceable rules on how corporations harvest …

Zero Hedge: Silicon Valley Is Destroying American Democracy by Playing Political Favorites

Silicon Valley Is Destroying American Democracy by Playing Political Favorites Authored by Robert Bridge via The Strategic Culture Foundation, Perhaps it was expecting too much that the tech giants would check their political allegiances at the door to ensure fairness. Instead, they have let their political affinities disrupt the process every step of the way …