Ronald Powell (Harvard PhD): Oppose 5G on Health Grounds

May 24, 2017 To: Federal, State, and Local Governments, and Communities From: Ronald M. Powell (retired U.S. Government scientist; Ph.D., Applied Physics, Harvard University)1 Subject: Please OPPOSE the expansion of cellular technology, especially 5G, on health grounds. Full text online and downloadable document below the fold.

Penguin: Harvard Business Review on Why Open Innovation Fails – Scientists are Selfish, Do Not Play Well With Others…

Why Do Open Innovation Efforts Fail? Scientists Want to Solve Problems Themselves It took us months to realize what was going on here: The most resistant scientists and engineers saw open source methods as a fundamental challenge to their professional identities. They defined themselves as “problem solvers,” but open innovation crowdsourcing platforms didn’t let them …

Mongoose: Harvard Pretends to be Shocked – “US Political System Hijacked”

Harvard Business School: The U.S. Political System Has Been ‘Hijacked’ A new case study by Harvard Business School asserts that U.S. politicians have rigged the system to such a degree that the U.S. is becoming a failed democracy. The authors of the case-study use the word ‘hijacked’ to describe what the political parties have done …

Stephen E. Arnold: The Dishonesty of Harvard (on Sugar)

Above headline by Phi Beta Iota editors. Below is original headline. Harvard: Does the University Sell What the Customer Wants? Consider fat and sugar. The answer is my reaction to “Sugar Industry Secretly Paid for Favorable Harvard Research.” For the moment, let’s assume that this article is spot on. The write up informed me: As …