David Swanson: Iraqi Files Suit Over Illegal War, Bush, Rice, Powell Served via “Justice,” Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfoqitz to be Served

Bush, Rice, Powell Served in Suit Filed by Iraqi Over Illegal War Attorney Inder Comar is maintaining a website at http://witnessiraq.com which describes the lawsuit: Witness Iraq has brought a lawsuit against key members of the Bush Administration: George W. Bush, Richard B. Cheney, Donald H. Rumsfeld, Condoleezza Rice, Colin Powell and Paul Wolfowitz. In …

Robert Steele: Sidney Powell Served in Billion Dollar Lawsuit from Electronic Voting Companies Accused of Conspiracy to Steal 2020 Elections — My View

SHORT MEMORABLE URL: https://tinyurl.com/powell-pound-sand-1 VIDEO & TRANSCRIPT POSTED Sidney Powell has been served in the 1.3B Dominion Voting lawsuit. Ex-Trump lawyer Sidney Powell served in Biltmore Forest with $1.3B Dominion Voting lawsuit Because the entire US legal system is compromised, absent some additional defenses it is entirely possible she could be framed and convicted  the …

Sidney Powell: Closing Remarks in Tuesday’s Courtroom Lynching by Judge Sullivan and His ‘Special Counsel’ Poetic

MUST READ: Sidney Powell’s Closing Remarks in Tuesday’s Courtroom Lynching by Judge Sullivan and His ‘Special Counsel’ Were Poetic During Tuesday’s hearing the Judge showed that he never read the motions from the Powell team and that he felt it was proper for him to prosecute the case even though the DOJ decided to drop …