DONATE DIRECT To LtGen Michael Flynn — Impoverished and Betrayed by Covington Law Firm, Rescued by Sidney Powell, But Needs Operating Funds Today UPDATE Additional Ben Garrison Cartoon

I join Rush Limbaugh, receipient of the Medal of Freedom, in urging all citizens who care about the future of this country to donate to the Legal Defense Fund for General Michael Flynn. He was impoverished and betrayed by the Covington Law Firm, in malicious conspiracy with Eric Holder and other scum within the Obama …

Robert Steele: The Corruption of Justice — Elderly Being Stripped of Their Estates by Crooked Judges — One of Several Forms of “Legalized” Human Trafficking in the USA

Sidney Powell remains  one of the top authorities on corrupt judges and prosecutors but I have long been concerned by my own observations. Corrupt prosecutors and judges not only enable federal, state, and local officials to lie to the court and abuse victims with impunity, but it is not well known that corrupt judges are …

Sara Carter: Powell – Unsealed FBI Handwritten Notes And Emails Reveal Agents Plotted Perjury Trap On Flynn

Powell: Unsealed FBI Handwritten Notes And Emails Reveal Agents Plotted Perjury Trap On Flynn “What is especially terrifying is that without the integrity of Attorney General Bill Barr and U.S. Attorney Jensen, we still would not have this clear exculpatory information as Mr. Van Grack and the prosecutors have opposed every request we have made,” …

Sara Carter: Trump to Ballantine – Kiss Your Career Good-Bye [Robert Steele: Has the Time Come to Indict Department of Justice Losers?]

DOJ Sought Continuance Of Flynn Case To ‘Vindicate’ Public Reputation Of His Former Legal Team A serious conflict of interest—indisputable because it was recognized by both the government and Covington by November 1, 2017—well before Flynn entered a guilty plea or even made a proffer to the prosecutors– is one of the main reasons Flynn’s …

Worth a Look: Conviction Machine – Standing Up to Federal Prosecutorial Abuse by Sidney Powell and Harvey Silvergate

Together, Powell and Silverglate shine a light on the defects of the system: overzealous prosecutors, perjury traps, negligent judges, perverse limits on self-defense, vague and overabundant criminal statutes, insufficient requirements for criminal intent, and no accountability for prosecutors. Most important, they provide a much-needed blueprint for reforming the Department of Justice and the criminal justice …