Berto Jongman: Former Head of MI-6 Loses His Mind – “Good-bye James Bond, hello big data”

Goodbye James Bond, hello big data Former head of Britain’s MI6 recounts how intelligence gathering has changed deeply “Now, the most important person in any intelligence service is the data analyst, because it’s the data analyst who will tell you where the threats are coming from and where the opportunities are emerging that you as …

Mongoose: Did MI-6 Kill the Russians & Did Trump Fall for It?

Russian Spy Poisoned In UK Offered To Give Evidence That MI6 Created “Trump Dossier” So He Could Return Home Sergei Skripal had first hand knowledge that the “Trump Russia Dossier” was invented by Globalist MI6 in order to damage Trump’s and Putin’s chances for teaming up against the Globalists. The poison used came from a …

Robert Steele: DEPLATFORMED by PayPal — Am Striking Back — Checks Are Best Way of Donating

By the grace of God, donations by check and wire offer me the Armor of God against unethical abusive companies among which PayPal is now assured of front row standing. They know full well of my strong history as a Patriot and as having a Gold Star rating as a non-profit. This is a Deep …

Paul Craig Roberts: US Federal Appeals Court Says Fuck Israel, Boycotts are Constitutional

US Federal Appeals Court Strikes Down Law Protecting Israel From Boycotting The Israel Lobby spent a lot of money to get corrupt legislatures in 32 states to protect Israel from being boycotted. The laws are in violation of the First Amendment and are being struck down. The Lobby’s other shield that protects Israel’s theft of …

Robert Steele: Sidney Powell Served in Billion Dollar Lawsuit from Electronic Voting Companies Accused of Conspiracy to Steal 2020 Elections — My View

SHORT MEMORABLE URL: VIDEO & TRANSCRIPT POSTED Sidney Powell has been served in the 1.3B Dominion Voting lawsuit. Ex-Trump lawyer Sidney Powell served in Biltmore Forest with $1.3B Dominion Voting lawsuit Because the entire US legal system is compromised, absent some additional defenses it is entirely possible she could be framed and convicted  the …