Owl: The Transgender-Transhuman — Genocide of Humanity the True Cost of Transgender – Transhuman Loss of All Values for Profit

This is vastly worse than the Great Depression contrived by the banks with the complicity of the US President.  This is about genocide of humanity for profit. Transgender Industry Only the First Phase of & Prelude to Transhumanism Industry The transgenderism industry – the drugs, the clinics, the specialized MDs, hospitals, surgeries – focused on …

Robert Steele: True Cost of War a Hot Topic Within Pentagon? Plus 5 Steps to Peace with Iran and More Politico Idiocy on North Korea

As Theresa May loses battle of Britain, West Coast oligarchs sue for peace ROBERT STEELE: Benjamin Fulford’s weekly report, a $11/month subscription, is absolutely recommended to one and all. This week’s report sets the stage for multiple announcements by the President between now and the 4th of July, when he will start campaigning in earnest.

Caitlin Johnstone: Twitter Discloses True Cost of War with First-Person Veteran Tales of Gut-Wrenching Truth About Wounds and Veteran Administration Treason

The US Army Asked Twitter How Service Has Impacted People. The Answers Were Gut-Wrenching. After posting a video of a young recruit talking to the camera about how service allows him to better himself “as a man and a warrior”, the US Army tweeted, “How has serving impacted you?” As of this writing, the post …

Robert Steele: Could Oracle Figure Out True Cost Economics on Top of Its Blockchain Applications?

ORACLE delves deeper into blockchain with four new applications This bit caught my eye: The four applications involve supply chain-transaction data including a track and trace capability to follow a product through its delivery from inception to market, proof of provenance for valuables like drugs, intelligent temperature tracking (what they are calling Intelligent Cold Chain) …

Norie Huddle: A Stark Warning About Ignorance Fatal to the Planet — Not A Word About True Cost Economics or Honest Science

‘We Are Climbing Rapidly Out of Humankind’s Safe Zone’: New Report Warns Dire Climate Warnings Not Dire Enough In the new report—titled What Lies Beneath: The Understatement of Existential Climate Risk (pdf)—authors David Splatt and Ian Dunlop, researchers with the National Centre for Climate Restoration (Breakthrough), an independent think tank based in Australia, argue that …