Robert Steele: Could Oracle Figure Out True Cost Economics on Top of Its Blockchain Applications?

ORACLE delves deeper into blockchain with four new applications This bit caught my eye: The four applications involve supply chain-transaction data including a track and trace capability to follow a product through its delivery from inception to market, proof of provenance for valuables like drugs, intelligent temperature tracking (what they are calling Intelligent Cold Chain) …

Norie Huddle: A Stark Warning About Ignorance Fatal to the Planet — Not A Word About True Cost Economics or Honest Science

‘We Are Climbing Rapidly Out of Humankind’s Safe Zone’: New Report Warns Dire Climate Warnings Not Dire Enough In the new report—titled What Lies Beneath: The Understatement of Existential Climate Risk (pdf)—authors David Splatt and Ian Dunlop, researchers with the National Centre for Climate Restoration (Breakthrough), an independent think tank based in Australia, argue that …

Antechinus: Transition Economics – Sustainable Automation [without True Cost Economics]

Transition Economics – The Science of Sustainability Transition Economics is the science of profiting from automation while setting social policy that corrects the naturally occurring financial cycles in capitalistic economies. Ensuring that people have incomes and that those incomes have renewed spending powers in a tax-neutral climate is critical now, and this is the goal …