Robert Steele: Epstein Not Dead, Case Dismissed, Stolen Money Safe — Epstein Laughing!

SHORT URL: 20191111:  EPSTEIN, AL BAGHDADI AND THE POINT — Both Alive The perfect getaway: The Hill: Judge orders case against Epstein over NY Post: Jeffrey Epstein an ‘evil genius’ for filing will in the Virgin Islands CLOSED. The story is never going to be covered properly.  Here are the nine veils of evil …

Ellen Brown: What Donald Trump Does Not Know — Why the Chinese Model is Better and Currency Wars Have No Winners

Neoliberalism Has Met Its Match in China We cannot win a currency war through the use of competitive currency devaluations that trigger a “race to the bottom,” and we cannot win a trade war by installing competitive trade barriers that simply cut us off from the benefits of cooperative trade. More favorable to our interests …

Caitlin Johnstone: Rugged Individualism vs Enlightened Collectivism

Rugged Individualism Cannot Save Us. Only Enlightened Collectivism Can. So collectivism by itself is worthless. What we need is not just our healthy impulse to collaborate, but to collaborate in a wise and intuitive way that is not manipulated by the propaganda narratives of the powerful. We need an enlightened collectivism in which we all …