Worth a Look: Pedophilia & Empire – Book 3 of 5 Now Available

The intersection of the Rothschild Family, the British aristocracy and senior members of the British government, industry, and media — along with sustained deliberate cover-ups by British police — will go down in history as one of the greatest crimes against humanity. Pedophilia — the rape of children — torture to produce adrenochrome — Satanic …

Robert Steele: Core Building Block for Web 3.0 – SORA Decentralized Blockchain Ecology

I have started assembling the top twelve minds for the creation of Web 3.0. This was written by one of the twelve. The SORA Parliament Sora XOR Multi-body sortition allows for collusion- and censorship-resistant governance Unlike many other blockchain networks and societies that use token voting, SORA will utilize multi-body sortition in order to govern …

Robert Steele: An Exchange on Israel vs Jews, Palestine vs Arab Dictators — The Future of North Africa, the Middle East, and Central Asia

A gentle person wrote in from Qatar and I responded. From your article “Trump Peace Plan: Sheer Genius” I fully agree that the JK peace plan was presented with the intention to be rejected by Palestine and others in the region and that the other “gestures” by Trump to Netanyahu have been delay strategies until …

Worth a Look: Pedophilia & Empire Print — Book 2 of 5 Now Available

The centrality of the United Kingdom to Satanic and pedophile practices is so deep and broad that two of the five books in the series must be devoted to Great Britain. The third volume — the second focused on the United Kingdom — covers The Rothschild Illuminati Bloodline and Ties to More British Scandals. Canada …

Robert Steele: Reflections on Taking Down #GoogleGestapo (aka BigTech or FAANG) and MSM

A core aspect of showing foreign control is discovery that maps exactly who introduced the term hate speech, who suggested modifications to corporate terms of reference that now “allow” deflatforming, and who was put in as “trusted flaggers.” At the end of the day you will find that the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and the Zionist …