Owl: Charlottesville False Flag — Professional Hit, Paid Protesters? UPDATE 9 Jim Fetzer Outlines False Flag Anomalies

Murder at Charlottesville a False Flag? Was this a false flag to shut down future conservative rallies? Note comment and video outtake about picture in this forum post (emphasis mine) “Also, speculation of false flag. Following pic is supposed frame from vid (enhanced) as backing up. Guy looking in mirror, doesn’t look scared, looks pro, …

#UNRIG LOG (6 AUG 2017)

A long visit in Kentucky with Stephen E. Arnold, long-time virtual CTO to OSS, Inc. and Earth Intelligence Network, now advising on the creation of both a US voter education network of 200 million based within Facebook.com/UNRIG with a global option of uniting Baidu and Yandex with Facebook (or not). The hard part is providing …

Mongoose: Putin Warns Trump: ‘Expose Elite Pedophiles or I Will Begin Naming Names’ — is Mike Pence on Putin’s List?

Putin Warns Trump: ‘Expose Elite Pedophiles or I Will Begin Naming Names’ Russian President sets ultimatum ahead of historical meeting According to Maxim Suchkov, a member of the Moscow-based Russian International Affairs Council, no specific agenda has been set for the meeting, however, a list of “deliverables” is due to be discussed including regional issues …