Who is Really President?

Author:  Martin Armstrong The latest polls show that 47% of Americans believe that others are making decisions for Biden behind the scenes. I would honestly say it is more like 85%. People wrongly believe that being president means you are really in charge. That is such a fallacy it is laughable. That was the problem …

Caitlyn Johnstone: Money Is Made Up And We Can Change The Rules Whenever We Want

Have you ever noticed how online capitalism cultists who condescendingly tell socialists they “just don’t understand economics” are always unable to lucidly defend their own understanding of economics? If you’ve never pressed such a character to clearly and concisely explain what it is you “don’t understand” using their own words, I highly recommend that you …

J. C. Cole: List of Events Suggesting On-Going Sabotage of Petroleum and Other Economic Choke Points

1 gal of diesel working the field in a tractor replaces 500 man hours manual labor in the field. Agriculture is screwed without diesel. In 2015 I was told by a friend since passed: Prepare for war, my friend. The big one is coming. Evil vs. really the rest of the world…chaotic messes are coming. …

Martin Armstrong: Bill Gates & MIT Crimes Against Humanity – Vaccine to Tag Children and Remotely Control Fertility

Bill Gates and MIT Unveil Quantum Dots to Mark Children There is a much grander agenda going on. Bill Gates does not want to increase the world population, he was raised to worry about it. Simply put, I find it inconsistent that this guy is really trying to help humanity rather than limit the population …

J. C. Cole: Gray Swans February 2021 #2 “Texas Freeze – Silver Squeeze”

American Gray Swans – February 2021 #2 Texas Freeze – Silver Squeeze! This is Houston, we have a problem! Holy crap, everything is frozen! Gray Swans are a series of events that could shut down America’s “Just in Time” delivery system (our supply chain) which will lead to a famine. Oh look, Texas is shut …