Review: Measuring Globalisation–Gauging its Cosequences (Paperback)

Core Reference Note Social versus Economic Gap January 26, 2010 Axel Dreher The paperback is cheaper and recommended over the hardcover, but for decidiing to buy purposes, visit the hardcover to use Inside the Book to examine the Table of Contents and other sample views. For some reason Amazon does not transfer Inside the Book …

Review: The Emerging Worldwide Electronic University–Information Age Global Higher Education

The Original Surveyor of Distance Education and Virtual Learning January 23, 2010 G. Parker Rossman My original review of this book seems to have vanished into thin air here at Amazon. G. Parker Rossman and his book came into my life just after I started the international conference on “National Security & National Competitiveness: Open …

Review: The Empathetic Civilization–the Race to Global Consciousness in a World of Crisis

HUGE Book, Deep Look From One Perspective January 14, 2010 Jeremy Rifkin This is a society-changing piece of work. This is a magnum opus from a very specific point of view that overlooks both major consciousness figures and major biosphere figures. Herman Daly gets one note, Tom Atlee, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Steve McIntosh are not …

Review: Global Warming False Alarm–The Bad Science Behind the United Nations’ Assertion that Man-made CO2 Causes Global Warming

Righteous Good SLAM of IPCC Fraud & Intimidation November 26, 2009 Ralph B. Alexander I read a lot, and I confess to have been among those who “bought in” to the celebrity alarmism of Al Gore, but I never displaced the totality of the threats to Earth for an obsessive focus on carbon emissions. Among …