Cynthia McKinney: Rich White Kids… Drunk, Promiscuous, with Absentee Parents? Is This What U.S. “Leadership” is All About?

RICH WHITE KIDS . . . DRUNK, PROMISCUOUS, WITH ABSENTEE PARENTS? IS THIS WHAT U.S. “LEADERSHIP” IS ALL ABOUT? By Cynthia McKinney, Ph.D. Re-published with permission from AllThingsCynthia. As I read about the smear campaign being conducted by Democratic Party operatives using Dr. Christine Blasey Ford aimed to impugn the character and career of Judge …

Stephen E. Arnold: China and Russia Create Post-Google Internet

Silicon Valley: Off Ramp Closed for Repairs? We learned that Alibaba (a Chinese outfit) has entered into a deal with Russian firms for online payments. Reuters reported the tie up in “Alibaba’s JV in Russia to Use Russia’s Payment System.” The system is used in Russia. TechCrunch points out in “Alibaba Goes Big on Russia …

Robert Steele: Neil Cavuto (Fox News) and Mike McCaul (R-TX, DHS) Are Bushies — Their Broadcast Just Now Was Defamatory, False, and Reprehensible UPDATE 2 Texas Drug Racket?

I’ve known for some time that Fox News is only marginally better than Crap News Network (CNN), but today Neil Cavuto persuaded me that Fox News is part of the Deep State media network and everyone at Fox News is an enemy of the President. The segment with Mike McCaul (R-TX) who has a role …