Robert Steele: A Megadraught is Forming — Weather War is a Factor

I accuse NASA, NOAA, and elements of the US Air Force of being in the employ of the Deep State and working to harm the economy of the USA and thus the re-election of President Donald Trump, while they are also harming China’s economy and others. An alternative possibility that I  discount is that Russia …

Review (DVD): The Forecaster — About Martin Armstrong, CIA-Deep State Takedown of Russia, CIA-FBI Framing of Martin Armstrong

6 Star — Deep State-DOJ-CIA-FBI Coffin I watched this video very carefully. I have come to three conclusions: 01 The Deep State with full complicity of the CIA and the FBI carried out an economic war against Russia in the 1990’s that led to the take down of  Republic Bank and Martin Armstrong. 02 The …