Bin Laden Show 57: Senators are Gullible, Journal is Dubious–the Bin Laden Show Poised to Displace All Reasonable Thinking for Next Year

Osama bin Laden pictures leave no doubt he is dead, Senator claims The pictures of Osama bin Laden are definitely him and leave no doubt the al-Qaeda leader is dead, according to a Republican Senator. Read rest of “party line” article…. Phi Beta Iota: We have mixed feelings.  There is a 20% possibility that Bin …

Bin Laden Show 51: 1997 Tenet Kills Global Coverage

OSS.Net Posts CIA Report on Global Coverage from July 1997 – George Tenet Blew It Off, Giving Bin Laden Free Rein to Attack WASHINGTON, Nov. 22 /PRNewswire/ — Robert David Steele Vivas, CEO of OSS.Net, a global open source intelligence (OSINT) provider, has posted to a copy of the unclassified report written for then …