SPECIAL: Joe Burgett: Ivanka Trump Reportedly the One Behind President Trump’s Move to Bomb Syria

Ivanka Trump Reportedly the One Behind President Trump’s Move to Bomb Syria With the recent bombing from the United States on Syria over chemical weapons, many found it to be strange that President Donald Trump made such a move, but according to a recent report, it seems his daughter Ivanka was behind the idea. According …

Berto Jongman: YouTube Deep State Commentaries

Best overview of executive secret power and militarization of government. Is Trump going to end up being Cheney II? Phi Beta Iota: Most if not all “Deep State” commentaries are too limited. They focus on the intersection of the secret intelligence community, the complicit media, and selected military-industrial contractors. The Deep State is vastly larger …

Mongoose: #GoogleGestapo Folds in Digital Assassination of Natural News, We Still Need a Racketeering Investigation Against Eric Schmidt, Google, Facebook, and Twitter

This is moderately good news. The Independent Media Defeats Google’s Censorship Practices-Natural News Restored One has to remember, that the Independent Media brings the public the truth where the MSM and the social media monopolies obscure the truth and the illegal actions of their benefactors. Mike Adams’ Natural News restored by Goggle after massive takedown …