Review: Cosmic Weather Report — Notes from the Edge of the Universe

Mark Borax and Ellias Lonsdale Phenomenal Starting Point for Anyone Opening Up, May 24, 2011 Disclosure: I bought this book because I am negotiating a contract with the publisher for a book in their new Manifesto series (tentative title: Manifesto for Truth–Public Intelligence in the Public Interest). I wanted to get a “sense” of where …

Review: The World Sensorium — The Social Embryology of World Federation 1946

Oliver L. Reiser A Gem–Easy to Read, A Foundation Book for World Brain and Global Game, May 22, 2011 I bought this book on a whim, sensing that despite its 1946 publication date it might be inspirational and I have been *very* glad to go through this. It was a half-century ahead of its time. …

MUST READ CAPSTONE WORK: Noosphere — The Next Stage in the Evolution of Human Consciousness, A Testimony by Jose Arguelles

Phi Beta Iota: We reproduce the excerpt in order to add links to all of the books and individuals mentioned.  Tip of the Hat to Reality Sandwich for this offering, and to Evolver Editions (North Atlantic/Random House) for their new Manifesto series in support of human consciousness and planetary synthesis. Noosphere: The Next Stage in …

Connecting the Dots: ALL of Them

Contribution to Google Group Next Net Medard Gabel, co-creator with Buckminster Fuller of the analog World Game, created the architecture concept and staffing-funding model for the digital EarthGame(TM).  Learn more here. About: EarthGame and World Brain Review: Designing A World That Works For All Who’s Who in Earth Intelligence: Medard Gabel Worth a Look: Medard …