Mongoose: Putin Warns Trump: ‘Expose Elite Pedophiles or I Will Begin Naming Names’ — is Mike Pence on Putin’s List?

Putin Warns Trump: ‘Expose Elite Pedophiles or I Will Begin Naming Names’ Russian President sets ultimatum ahead of historical meeting According to Maxim Suchkov, a member of the Moscow-based Russian International Affairs Council, no specific agenda has been set for the meeting, however, a list of “deliverables” is due to be discussed including regional issues …

Jada Thacker: Deep State & Free Beer

Deep History of America’s Deep State The idea of an elitist Deep State – erasing a “mistake” by the people – pervades current efforts to remove buffoonish President Trump, but the concept has deep historical roots dating from the Founding, writes Jada Thacker.

Michael Salla: Expolitics — Including Mars Colony…

I have worked with a number of whistleblowers who say that the USMC/DON recruits young marines and seamen for 20 and back assignments with a secret space corps that provides personnel for major corporations that have colonies on Mars.The earliest cases begin from 1976, which I note coincides with your recruitment into the USMC.

TRANCE Formation of America: True Life Story of a Mind Control Slave

TRANCE Formation of America was released in 1995 after the 1947 National Security Act was invoked to censor this testimony from the US Congressional Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Oversight. Today TRANCE, now in its 16th English edition, is referenced in major universities and is in law libraries worldwide due to its continued relevance to …

Review: The Devil’s Chessboard – Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America’s Secret Government

David Talbot  6-Star Reference for President Donald Trump — John Brennan Using Allen Dulles Playbook   I have reviewed over 300 books on secret intelligence here at Amazon, and written eight books of my own – as a former spy, co-founder of the Marine Corps Intelligence Center, and direct participant in “Deep State” and “false …

CounterPunch: Trump Sucks So Many Ways….

Phi Beta Iota: While we support our legitimately-elected president, we are very concerned about the possibility that he has been bribed, blackmailed, even mind-controlled (psychotronics) into serving the Deep State. The below articles from one issue of CounterPunch paint the darkest possible picture.