DefDog: Afghan Solider Shoots NATO Soldier, US/NATO “Disingenious”

This line is completely disingenuous…..shows the lack of knowledge of the Afghan people…… Afghan Special Forces Soldier Shoots US Mentor It follows another shooting incident earlier this week By Kevin Spak,  Newser Staff newser, Apr 27, 2012 A member of Afghanistan’s elite special forces—a group that is supposed to be rigorously vetted—shot and killed an …

Chuck Spinney: Investigating NATO’s War Crimes Against Libya

Investigations Around Libya NATO’S Craven Coverup of Its Libyan Bombing by VIJAY PRASHAD, Counterpunch, March 15, 2012 Ten days into the uprising in Benghazi, Libya, the United Nations’ Human Rights Council established the International Commission of Inquiry on Libya. The purpose of the Commission was to “investigate all alleged violations of international human rights law in …

NATO CIMIC: The Roles of India & Pakistan in Afghanistan’s Development & Natural Resources

PDF (7 Pages):  20120316 NATO CIMIC Role_of_India_Pakistan_in_Afghanistan_Development March 2012 This report addresses the roles of India and Pakistan on the economic development of Afghanistan based on the material provided in open sources. The involvements of Pakistan and India in Afghanistan are often related to each other. Given that the research and materials concerning these two …

NATO CIMIC: The Role of China in Afghanistan’s Economic Development & Reconstruction

PDF (8 Pages):  20120316 NATO CIMIC Role_of_China_in_Afghanistan_Economy_Development March 2012 This report examines the contribution of the People’s Republic of China to reconstruction and development in Afghanistan, with a particular emphasis on mining and natural resource exploitation. On 05 December 2011, at the Second International Bonn Conference on Afghanistan, China’s Minister of Foreign Affairs declared the …

Eagle: Senators Intervene To Halt Wellness Ambassadors Who Recommend Dietary Supplements Instead of Drugs at Rite-Aid Stores

Senators Intervene To Halt Wellness Ambassadors Who Recommend Dietary Supplements Instead of Drugs at Rite-Aid Stores About 300 of Rite-Aid’s 4700 drug stores are starting to direct customers to what they want – wellness without dependence upon problematic and over-priced prescription drugs. But that practice has obviously upset Big Pharma. These white-coated ambassadors are allegedly …

Marcus Aurelius: Chinese(?) Use Fake Facebook Page for NATO Chief to Diddle His Subordinates

Not sure I agree with NATO advice to their seniors to all start social networking sites.  I personally avoid that stuff like the plague. How spies used Facebook to steal Nato chiefs’ details NATO’S most senior commander was at the centre of a major security alert when a series of his colleagues fell for a …

Review: Gladio, NATO’s Dagger at the Heart of Europe – The Pentagon-Nazi-Mafia Terror Axis

Richard Cottrell Startling, Offers a Wealth of New Information, February 19, 2012 EDIT of 6 May 2012 to acknowledge fixed made by publisher for new edition after review, change title, and increase to five stars. I was given this book as a gift. I do not normally seek-out conspiracy literature, but in the aftermath of …