Robert Steele: FINALLY Zionist Genocide — War Crimes Against Palestinians — To Be Examined Formally

God Bless all Jews and may God curse and extinguish the Zionist criminal apartheid genocidal state of Israel created on the basis of lies and at the point of a gun. As my Jewish grandmother would say, “ENOUGH, ALREADY.” Might we see a day when an Israeli leader is on trial for war crimes? This …

Ed Jewett: Oppression by Orgasm (Mostly Fake) . . .

From Unz Review. Oppression by Orgasm? The Porn Industry as Jewish Anti-Fascist Activism & Cultural Terrorism According to Kerl, the ludicrous “fantasy” of a Jewish conspiracy behind pornography, which is irrationally promoted by far-right hate groups, is as follows: Jews use porn to “erode the allegedly ‘natural’ order of white supremacy,” to “subvert. . . …

The Steele Report: Questions Being Answered Today

Ammunition During Obama’s administration, every FEDERAL AGENCY from the Post Office to Forestry was purchasing MILLIONS of rounds of ammunition. During the following administration, President Trump said repeatedly that the MILITARY had NO AMMUNITION. Were those two things related to the same Deep State goal, i.e., why would so many federal agencies need so much …