Mongoose: US Senate’s First Bill (S. 1) Treason? — Has Israel Bribed & Blackmailed Our Senators, Starting with “Foam Boy” Marco Rubio, to Make Freedom of Speech a Felony? UPDATE 2

U.S. Senate’s First Bill, in Midst of Shutdown, is a Bipartisan Defense of the Israeli Government from Boycotts S.1 will be a compendium containing a handful of foreign-policy related measures, a main one of which is a provision, with Florida’s GOP Sen. Marco Rubio as a lead sponsor, to defend the Israeli government. The bill is a top legislative priority for AIPAC. …

SPECIAL: Deep State Meng Wanzhou CFO of Huawei UPDATE 5: Xi – Trump Sending Joint Message to Elites?

20181210 updated 20181212 The effort to arrest Meng Wanzhou started last summer apparently, and the warrant was issued on 22 August. Nobody bothered to tell Trump (intentionally perhaps) and he was unaware of it at the time of the G2-Summit in Argentina. The potential fallout can make sure that China becomes a real enemy (watch …

SPECIAL: Review: The Shadow President – The Truth About Mike Pence

Michael D’Antonio & Peter  Eisner 4 Stars — Hit Job on Trump, Destroys Pence This book buries Mike Pence — ignorant, lazy, delusional, ambitious beyond his abilities. Although I remove one star for the relatively low-brow trashing of our President (Donald Trump), on balance the authors have rendered a stellar public service with this book.  …

SPECIAL: Trump Appoints Top Drug Smuggling Assassination Operative from Bush Crime Family to be Attorney General UPDATE 2

Trump’s Attorney General nominee Barr a drug dealing assassin? According to former Bush-CIA black ops specialist Chip Tatum, Barr was part of Operation 40, an Agency-linked criminal gang that moved huge quantities of drugs and was involved in many high-level political assassinations, including those of the Kennedies, Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme, and dozens of …