Owl: TPP A Coup, 23-Count Indictment of TPP as High Crimes and Misdemeanors, UnConstitutional, What’s Not to Like?

TPP: A Bloodless Coup Imposing Tyranny May be Near Upon Us [2015] Richard Martin, an Internet financial radio pundit, sent the text below, written by Joe Firestone, to those on his email list. Note Martin’s key take-away comment on this text: “The governing functions of the TPP regime would not be exercised with the consent …

Owl: It’s Official – ISIS in Mexico, Jade Helm in USA — Collision Looms

It’s Official Now – TSA Warns of Possible ISIS Attack on U.S. Soil Somebody in the government appears to be finally taking notice of the story that came out about 10 days ago in alternative media that ISIS is close to US border in Mexico. Together with Jade Helm “occupation” of Southwest USA, this could …

SchwartzReport: Economic Inequality Far Worse Than Most Realize – Could Riots Ensue If Knowledge Catches Up?

Part of our social stability, I think, depends on the ignorance most people share about the true measure of economic inequality in the U.S.  A definition of the one per cent: “they have median annual household income of $750,000, median assets of $7.5 million, and there are 1.2 million of them across the country.”  That’s …

Owl: Fracking Dies – Crude Oil Excess Soars

Fracking is on the Way OUT The millions of dollars spent on those TV commercials gushing out – like an out-of-control oil well – fracking industry propaganda promoting the industry’s environment-destroying, water-poisoning and earthquake-making radical gas extraction practices will be all for naught if this article is correct – which strikes me as very convincing …