UN Secretary General and Ambassador Susan Rice Violate Public Intelligence–We Stand with Richard Falk

Willful Ignorance April 12th, 2011 By Paul Carline thepeoplesvoice.org Cards on the table. I’ve been a “truther” since early 2002 when I came across the first major challenge to the official 9/11 story in the shape of the wonderful “Hunt the Boeing” site created by French researcher Thierry Meyssan. Until then I’d accepted the standard …

Pakistan Demarche to CIA, Envoy Leaves Early

From the trenches…..the gulf dividing the West (primarily the US) and AFPAK continues to expand….lack of understanding is the primary reason. Terrorism & Security Pakistan demands drawdown of US drones, CIA agents The disclosure comes after the head of Pakistani intelligence abruptly cut short a trip to Washington this week after meeting with CIA director …

Event/Trip Report/Reference: 1200-1330 8 Apr Woodrow Wilson Center DC In Search of a National Security Narrative for the 21st Century

“The National Conversation” Debuts The Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars has announced a new initiative launching April 8, 2011: The National Conversation at the Woodrow Wilson Center. The National Conversation will examine overarching themes of U.S. international and domestic policy, drawing on high-profile guests and experts from all sides of the political sphere to …

Search: violent comprehensive revolutions are of

Here are the concise references focused on revolution.  For corruption, collective intelligence, open space and other methods of non-violent consensus building and emergence, see the lists at the end of this post. Preconditions of Revolution in the USA Today Search: four preconditions for revolution Search: revolution theory preconditions Here is the bottom line:

Search: cost of corruption + Corruption RECAP

The discussion of corruption–and the urgency of reasserting integrity–permeates this website. Here are a general comment and a few links. General comment: Corruption consists of a lack of integrity, which in turn is not just about dishonesty, but about a failure to achieve transparency, truth, trust, and accurate feedback loops.  The cost of corruption, calculated …