Robert Steele: Zionist Strike 49 — Forcing Zionist Lies into Academic Programs

I’ve had it with the Zionists, and I am delighted to see that Miriam Adelson and most Jews have also had it with criminal Benjamin Netanyahu and his “crazy” wife. The power of Zionist Israel in the USA is OUT OF CONTROL and it is clear to me that if the President means to win …

Robert Steele: QAnon What Next? Marshall Masters on The Drip, The Filth, & The Noose — Salute to Sidney Powell, Comment on Epstein Case, List of 14 Presidential Initiatives UPDATE: Video & Related Links

SHORT URL: An Alert Reader flagged the below extract from Marshall Masters, who is a considerable talent with a history of being serious and insightful. Here is an extract from a long series of intermittent posts, followed my own comment including a list of 14 Presidential initiatives that I consider to be in planning …

Review: The Culture of Critique by Kevin MacDonald – BANNED by Amazon in Violation of the 1st Amendment

Kevin MacDonald 5 Star Brilliant Dissection of Political and Economic History — Reality — that is CENSORED by Amazon and the Mainstream Media Review by Robert David Steele I have been very diligent about distinguishing between Zionism (the invented criminal genocidal apartheid state of Israel and its 1% elite Deep State backers) and Judaism (the …

Ed Jewett: US Intelligence Community Admits Ineptitude with Open Source Information

 Intel Community Grapples With Key Open Source Intel “In our defeat-ISIS activities, we’ve had a struggle and presently continue to struggle with the challenge of open source and publicly available information, and how we leverage that to make it truly useful for the warfighter,” Jospeh Votel, former head of both Special Operations Command and Central …