Zero Hedge from TomDispatch: William Astore on Ending the Pentagon’s Long Con

Ending the Pentagon’s Long Con: Six Ways to Curb America’s Military Machine By William J. Astore In short, the U.S. spends staggering sums annually, essentially stolen from a domestic economy and infrastructure that’s fraying at the seams, on what still passes for “defense.” The result: botched wars in distant lands that have little, if anything, to do …

Benjamin Fulford: Zionists Being Slammed Down, Trust the Plan — Comment by Robert Steele Including Reference to Global Currency Reset

Attempts to start Muslim/Christian warfare backfire on Zionists The recent massacre of Sri Lankan Christians plus attacks on churches and mosques have turned into a fatal mistake for the Zionists, multiple sources confirm.  In reaction, the U.S. Department of Defense is handling background checks to root out Israeli dual citizens, agents, assets, and sayanim (Hebrew …

State of the Nation: Another False Flag Synaogogue Shooting With a Fake Hero — UPDATE Chabad Zionist Rabbi Sheriff…

Another False Flag Synaogogue Shooting With a Fake Hero That’s Probably a Total Hoax The Mossad Owns and Operates the American Terrorist Industry SOTN Editor’s Note: Sorry to say that yesterday’s shooting at the San Diego-area synagogue has all the elements of not only a false flag but also juvenile hoax.  That there was an …

Chuck Spinney: Why Is Boeing Imploding? Lack of Integrity….

2011 Why Is Boeing Imploding? Part I 2013 Why is Boeing Imploding? Part II 2019 Why is Boeing Imploding? Part III The problems with Boeing are deeply connected to the larger story of American deindustrialization enhanced in Boeing’s case by the pathological political-economic practices of the Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex (MICC) and how those practices spill over …

Robert Steele: Notre Dame Cathedral Burning False Flag, Organized by Macron, Insurance Fraud, Funding Paris Olympics, Saving EU & Central Banks UPDATE 18

SHORT URL: I was  devastated by the total burning of Notre Dame cathedral, a place where I once prayed in thanks for one of my son’s who survived what might otherwise have been a certain death. The parallels to both the Reichstag Fire and 9/11 loomed. Then I heard from the shadow foreign minister …