Berto Jongman: New UNEP Synthesis Provides Blueprint to Urgently Solve Planetary Emergencies and Secure Humanity’s Future

New UNEP Synthesis Provides Blueprint to Urgently Solve Planetary Emergencies and Secure Humanity’s Future Meeting ramped-up climate and biodiversity targets, cutting deadly pollution and achieving SDGs needs an all-society push for sustainability Shifting world views and putting nature at the heart of decision-making is key to achieving transformative change COVID-19 recovery plans are an unmissable …

The Steele Report Questions Being Answered Today

10 Days I thought I heard somewhere that 10 days after Superbowl something epic will happen. Any idea of what this may have been and is there still time left to unfold? Antarctica What do you know about Antarctica and why is it off limits to everyone except the elites?

Robert Steele: Opening Message for Web 3.0 Informal Steering Group is now operational. The webmaster is installing classic word press ( I hate block form), and then I will get to work loading stuff including videos and past posts crossed over from my web 3.0 collection at I got a lovely, brilliant interview with Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton today viewable here. The protocol …

Stephen E. Arnold: What Is Next for Amazon Netradyne?

What Is Next for Amazon Netradyne? I noted the “real” news outfit CNBC story “Amazon Is Using AI-Equipped Cameras in Delivery Vans and Some Drivers Are Concerned about Privacy.” The use case is monitoring drivers. I have heard that some drivers work like beavers. Other comments suggest that some drivers play fast and loose with …