Mongoose: Did General Mike Flynn Sting Obama-Clinton-Mormon Child Trafficking to Turkey? Are White Babies from Polygamous Utah Mormons the Premium Pedophilia Product?

Alert Reader writes in: I’ve been following Neonrevolt, who is a treasure trove of information and has an uncanny ability of tying things together. This article ties a branch of the Mormon church with tax fraud, money laundering, Hollywood, NXVIUM, Bronfman, Clinton, Bio-fuel, Obama, Mueller, human trafficking, Turkey, Guelen, Epstein, Armenia, CIA, red scarf suicide …

SPECIAL: General Mike Flynn, USA (Ret) for Director of National Intelligence (DNI)

ROBERT STEELE: There is only one person who is both totally committed to President Donald Trump and who has the brains and the balls to be the next Director of National Intelligence. His name is Mike Flynn. The time has come for him to come back into the fight. Here are the five reforms he …

Robert Steele: Is the Director of the FBI Dishonest? How Is White Nationalism More of a Threat than Zionist Bribery & Blackmail?

FBI director says white supremacy is a ‘persistent, pervasive threat’ to the US I have zero confidence in the Director of the FBI, and I believe he should be fired. He is not serving the President or the public when he says stupid shit like this. Zionist Israel — represented by AIPAC and ADL and …