William Binney: Thin Thread – Signals Intelligence Within the Rule of Law

General Observation: I assume you knew something about Thinthread from your work as a government [employee or] contractor; but, you probably did not get the truth about the TT Program. I have attached an article written about TT by Diane Roark. Plus, TT was not abandoned back then. The software is what they are using …

Dave Room: Blockchain and the Synaptic Post-Google Internet

Blockchain and the Synaptic Post Google Internet   Many are heralding blockchain as an innovation that will bring about as much or more change than the Internet. Most emerging non-currency applications of blockchain are for existing or planned coins for banking and payments, supply chain management, insurance, ride sharing, charity, voting, government, healthcare, energy management, …

Stephen E. Arnold: CIA Seeks Universal Text Translator [Robert Steele: CIA Remains Stupid, Has Not Learned a Damn Thing Since 1986]

Universal Text Translation Is the Next Milestone for AI As the globe gets smaller, individuals are in more contact with people who don’t speak their language. Or, we are reading information written in a foreign language. Programs like Google Translate are flawed at best and it is clear this is a niche waiting to be …

Robert Steele: Creating a Post-Western Independent Internet (Trump Revolution 22)

Creating a Post-Western Independent Internet An Open Source Internet Can Create Peace and Prosperity for All Memorable URL: http://tinyurl.com/post-google-internet Robert David Steele The recent decision by President Vladimir Putin to create an independent Internet with a separate Domain Name System (DNC) that is impervious to Western attack including data corruption and mis-representation is a good …

Robert Steele: Zionism in America – Seven Strikes and Counting… (Trump Revolution 21)

Zionism in America –Seven Strikes & Counting… http://tinyurl.com/zionism-7-strikes Robert David Steele Preface: Strikes 1-5 appeared in an earlier article.[1] Numerous requests were received to isolate and extend this itemization of Zionist Strikes that will lead to its eviction from the halls of power in the USA. For those who worry about our President Donald Trump …