Mongoose: Alain Soral Framed by Deep State and Zionists — Anti-Semitic “Trick” Used to Jail Critic of Grand Theft

Anti-capitalism as the new Antisemitism? Alain Soral faces two years in prison for criticizing Capitalists Phi Beta Iota: This particular extremist has a track record and has demonstrated that he is a slow learner.  What jumps out however is the degree to which judges are controlled and facts can be “interpreted” to arrive at conclusions …

Berto Jongman: Eurasianism, Turkey, Erdogan — Why China, Russia, Iran, & Turkey Will Rule both Central Asia and the Middle East….

The Strange Case of Perincek, Erdogan and the Russia Triangle Eurasianism is a political theory developed by Putin’s advisor Alexander Dugin, as the “fourth political theory; beyond left and right but against the center, to “replace and counter the liberal globalist theory and to end Western hegemony, and capitalism. It aims to create an alternative …

Review: The Culture of Critique by Kevin MacDonald – BANNED by Amazon in Violation of the 1st Amendment

Kevin MacDonald 5 Star Brilliant Dissection of Political and Economic History — Reality — that is CENSORED by Amazon and the Mainstream Media Review by Robert David Steele I have been very diligent about distinguishing between Zionism (the invented criminal genocidal apartheid state of Israel and its 1% elite Deep State backers) and Judaism (the …

Charles Hugh Smith: American Rot – Law for Sale

How Deep Is The Rot In America’s Institutions? How deep has the rot of corruption, fraud, abuse of power, betrayal of the public trust, blatant criminality and insiders protecting the guilty penetrated America’s key public and private institutions? It’s difficult to tell, as the law-enforcement and security agencies are themselves hopelessly compromised.