Review: A Politics of Love by Marianne Williamson with Additional Links

SUMMARY REVIEW WITH LINKS Marianne Williamson, A Politics of Love: A Handbook for a New American Revolution (HarperOne, 2019) 6 Stars – The Only Authentic Democratic Candidate Reviewed by Robert David Steele This is a six page summary review of a political-cultural-economic-social transformation that is both needed and possible, by the one person seeking the …

Review: The Conservative Sensibility by George F. Will – Handbook for an American Renaissance

7 Stars – Handbook for an American Renaissance – Life Transformative Robert David Steele This book is a masterwork, a capstone work for the author, for his time, for the Republic, and for We the People who have lost our Republic. Of the over 2,500 books I have reviewed, 10% of which have received a …

Owl: Names of the Rich White Perverts Funding the Transgender Ideology to Destroy Young Lives and Create a New Pharma-Surgical-Lifestyle Marketplace

Divide & conquer goes to the next level. Who Are the Rich, White Men Institutionalizing Transgender Ideology? Exceedingly rich, white men (and women) who invest in biomedical companies are funding myriad transgender organizations whose agenda will make them gobs of money. Is this really a civil rights issue for a tiny part of the population …

Zero Hedge: Is Real Estate the Sucking Chest Wound in US Economy?

America’s Demise In One Simple Chart – The Path To A FIRE Economy Via Global Macro Monitor, We originally posted this chart in February 2011, which we just updated also breaking out the real estate industry from FIRE (finance, insurance, and real estate).   It is still just as shocking as it was back when we first …

Robert Steele: Judy Shelton Is Right — Gold-Backed Currencies Now!

I have been following a number of alternative (which is to say, honest) economic minds for some years now, including Martin Armstrong, John Bogle (RIP), Ellen Brown, Karl Denninger, William Engdahl, Edgar Feige, William Greider, Wayne Jett and yes, Judy Shelton.  She nailed it and our President was very wise to hear her out on …