John Whitehead: The American Gulag — Police State, Predatory Mental Illness Lies, Disarming Veterans…

The American Gulag: Brick by Brick, Our Prison Walls Get More Oppressive by the Day The age-old practice by which despotic regimes eliminate their critics or potential adversaries by making them disappear—or forcing them to flee—or exiling them literally or figuratively or virtually from their fellow citizens—is happening with increasing frequency in America.

Berto Jongman: Zionists Go After White Supremacists (PBI: Via Captive FBI)

The Fight in the Right: It is Time to Tackle White Supremacist Terrorism Globally A report from the Anti-Defamation League reports, “In 2018, domestic extremists killed at least 50 people in the U.S., a sharp increase from the 37 extremist-related murders documented in 2017,” and that “White supremacists were responsible for the great majority of …

J. C. Cole: American Gray Swans – Week 32 – The Epstein Debacle

American Gray Swans – Week 32 – The Epstein Debacle Dam, I did not want to discuss this scum of humanity in the Gray Swans, but it is a good example of a Multi Dimensional Chess Game playing out. Whatever actually happened, whether he committed suicide, was hit, was removed, was exchanged, was cloned, or …