Robert Steele: Donald Trump’s Bunker Hill Ronald Reagan Air Traffic Control Moment – Confronting CIA & The Deep State on Russians Hacking the Election (They Did Not) UPDATE 11

I invite readers to use the share buttons to send this to all possible pro-Trump twitter and facebook addresses (the ones that have not been illegally censored). UPDATES at end of this original post. Donald Trump’s Bunker Hill Moment As Donald Trump prepares to hear what I am certain will be carefully constructed lies from …

Robert Steele in Defence and Intelligence Norway: The Russians Did Not “Hack” the US Election – a Few Facts from a Former CIA Spy

The Russians Did Not “Hack” the US Election – a Few Facts from a Former CIA Spy – I am deeply offended by the lies being told by the US Government – and more specifically, by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) with the explicit …

Berto Jongman: Death of BBC, Questionable Capacity of CIA’s OSE

BBC at risk of death — CIA’s OSE allegedly covers 75% of world to BBC’s 25%. Open Source Stupidity: The Threat to the BBC Monitoring Service In addition to further severe budget cuts, BBC Monitoring is currently facing the loss of its Caversham Park headquarters (formerly owned by the Government) and many of its specialists …

Kevin Barrett: NYT on Syria — All the Fake News Fit to Print — NYT Deceives, Lies, & Offers No Value to the Public

New York Times on “Aleppo’s Destroyers”: All the fake news that’s fit to print The New York Times has been leading the charge against “fake news.” Yet its own reporting and editorial positions are often as one-sided, distorted, or downright mendacious as the worst of the pseudo-alternative websites. The Times’ coverage of wars, especially those of …