Robert Steele: Pope Benedict XVI Blames 1960’s Sexual Revolution for Pedophilia in 1980’s — Who Is to Blame for the Sexual Revolution?

Ex-Pope Benedict blames church abuse scandal on sexual revolution of 1960s Former Pope Benedict XVI penned a lengthy letter that blames the “all-out sexual freedom” of the 1960s for ongoing scandals involving sexual abuse by priests. Benedict, who resigned as pope in 2013, argued in a column translated for the National Catholic Register that social upheaval …

Mongoose: The CIA Takeover of America in the 1960s Is the Story of Our Times Review of A Lie Too Big To Fail: The Real History of the Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy, by Lisa Pease

The CIA Takeover of America in the 1960s Is the Story of Our Times A Lie Too Big To Fail: The Real History of the Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy, by Lisa Pease Edward Curtin in Unz Review The assassination of the top four leaders of the political left in the five year period – …

New Zealand False Flag Possibly 5 Shooters (1 Fake, 4 Real), John Podesta Role?

THESIS: 1 Fake Shooter with Fake Video to discredit truthers; 2 shooters at each of 2 mosques to rack up the body count.  Related (same Alert Reader): 2020 New Zealand election a ‘juicy target’ for major hack – John Podesta Phi Beta Iota: We consider Podesta to be a high probability pedophile and a high …

Robert Steele: PBI Being Censored & Defamed, Seek Evidence for Federal Lawsuit

Phi Beta Iota is being massively censored in the aftermath of my posting an expose on New Zealand in which I identified myself as a white nationalist.  I am white, I am a nationalist, and I am also a supporter of our President.  I am also non-violent and not a member of any supremacist or …

Berto Jongman: New Zealand False Flag – What They Don’t Want You To See…

In this video it is argued that the Christchurch massacre possibly was a blackop. The reason why the video was so quickly removed from the Internet and made punishable to have it in possession or share it with others, is that it contains clues that contradict the official narrative that it was a single shooter …