Worth a Look: Berto Jongman Recommends….

Researcher Berto Jongman recommends 6 monographs, 5 articles, 3 books. EDIT of 24 Nov 09: 6 monograph recommendations added. Russia: A Promising Market for Islamic Finance 21/11/2009By Lahem al Nasser Riyadh, Asharq Al-Awsat- There are around 47 million Muslims in Russia, which means that Muslims make up around one third of Russia’s overall population. This …

PACOM Week in Review Ending 22 Nov 09

Hot Topics CN: China’s Cyberwars 11/19/09 CN: AP NewsBreak: China holds, mistreats US geologist 11/19/09 CN: China legislator seeks to criminalise banquets: report 11/21/09 ID: Indonesian president issues order to publicly expose high-profile bank scam 11/23/09 IN: Security still lacking one year after Mumbai attacks 11/21/09 KP: Defector tells of life in North Korean army …

Worth a Look: Berto Jongman on Afghanistan, Al Qaeda, CIA Torture, and Maj Nidal Hasan’s Slide Show

Researcher Berto Jongman recommends…. Poverty and unemployment fuel the conflict according to 70% of Afghans, new Oxfam research shows Seventy per cent of Afghans surveyed see poverty and unemployment as the major cause of the conflict in their country, according to new research by international aid agency Oxfam and a group of Afghan organisations. Ordinary …

CENTCOM Week in Review Ending 13 Nov 09

Hot Topics AA: Arab experts predict Mideast water wars 11/13/09 AA: Americans and Western Europeans Agree on Afghanistan-Pakistan Extremist Threat 11/11/09 AA: Muslims must quit British Forces, says Iranian envoy Abdolhossein Moezi 11/14/09 AA: Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan are not best countries for … 11/13/09 AA: Terror training camps smaller, harder to target 11/09/09 …

Journal: Cognitive Dissonance, Military Suicides, and an Alternative Interpretation of the Fort Hood Deaths

For over many years now Phi Beta Iota has been emphasizing both the inappropriate secrecy and obscurity contrived for our dead and wounded, and the almost total black-out on both amputees (many of them multiple amputees) and suicides. We now know that Gulf I brought back over 250,000 disabled veterans, and that the toxic brew …