Gordon Duff: Col James Hanke, USA (Ret) on Five False Flags in USA, Dick Cheney Rogue Chain of Command into JSOG, and Bi-Furcated USG (Both Dual Chains of Command & Competing Rogue Elements) + Boston Meta-RECAP + 5 Comments

WARNING NOTICE:  We have no direct knowledge.  We pray the FBI does its job and gets it right.  In time the truth will reveal itself. Former Army Spymaster Cites “Bifurcated” US Government in False Flag Terrorism by  Gordon Duff, Senior Editor Yesterday, during a radio talk show hosted by Mike Harris with Dr. James Fetzer …

Mini-Me: American Committee for Peace in the Caucasus

Huh? American Committee for Peace in the Caucasus The American Committee for Peace in the Caucasus (formerly the American Committee for Peace in Chechnya) is a Freedom House initiative that bills itself as the ”only private, nongovernmental organization in North America exclusively dedicated to promoting the peaceful resolution of the Russo-Chechen war.”[1] According to Freedom …

Owl: Boston Narrative Unravels Further….

The Boston bomber official “narrative” just keeps on keeping on falling apart, and virtually on a daily basis.  After the full article below, I have put a commentary from someone else drawing parallels between 9/11 and the Boston bombing. Boston Terror Narrative Starts Falling Apart Posted onApril 22, 2013 by WashingtonsBlog Chechen Brothers Did NOT …

SchwartzReport: Good (No More Landfills) Bad (Nestle Owns Water), Ugly (USA Torture)

GOOD Like the piece I did yesterday on how New York could transition to non-carbon energy, this one addresses landfills, offering an actual example of how it could be done. The truth is we could recreate our society so that it was much more fair to all, and environmentally positive; only our lack of political …

Owl: Re Boston & Social Media The Washington Post is Sooooooo Ignorant and Unprofessional

Just finished reading the front page stories in today’s Washington Post on Boston bombings. One of the stories mentions the role of crowd sourcing and social media, referring to what they call “vigilante detectives” who propound wildly “irresponsible” theories of what happened. I think it well represents what the Post thinks of web sites such …

Owl: YouTube (5:50): Suspects Leave WITH Backpacks, Craft Paramilitary Contractors Run Out WITHOUT Backpacks

Since the start of this I have had the persistent feeling or hunch that this did not go as planned by Government false flaggers. One reason for this nagging feeling is that maybe they had more bombs – experimental nukes? – that did not go off, since every new technology is prone to fail until …

Owl: Micro-Nuke in Boston, Someone Planting False Evidence? Staged Fireball, Most Injuries Staged? + Meta-RECAP

The author of this article makes a good case for the claim that at least one of the bombs in the Boston marathon bombing was a tiny micro-nuke. When reading the start of this article, keep in mind what appears to be an error in the placement of the picture links or confusion in the …