Mongoose: Zionism Strike 18 – Israel Commits Suicide — Apartheid Set in Stone, All Jews Worldwide Now Suspect as Agents of the “Jewish State”

Zionist Israel just committed suicide. Israel adopts divisive law that declares only Jews have the right of self-determination Although the law is largely symbolic, critics say the legislation is racist in origin and verges on apartheid.   Phi Beta Iota: Zionist Israel (not to be confused with Judaism or Jews of faith loyal to their …

Gordon Duff: Memorandum for the President: 9/11 NYC Was a Nuclear Event Crafted by Israel and Saudi Arabia, With Help and Cover From Dick Cheney

9/11 NYC Was a Nuclear Event Crafted by Israel and Saudi Arabia with Help and Cover from Dick Cheney 14 July 2018 Mr. President, 9/11 was a nuclear event on the NYC end. On 9/11, employees of the DOE and IAEA visited ground zero in NYC.  They were dressed as utility employees.  Among their number …

Owl: Zionist Israel’s Last Desperate False Flag Endeavor – Merging Sampson Option with Operation Blackjack to Simulate Iranian Nuclear Suitcases in Multiple Western Capitals

Zionist Israel (not to be confused with Progressive and Reform Jews) is close to death. This is a very credible compilation that outlines how ZioCon traitors in the USA and other countries might collaborate with Zionist Israel in a final desperate attempt to drive the USA into another elective war based on lies, target Iran. …

Memoranda for the President on 9/11: Time for False Flag Deep State Truth! UPDATE 19: Israel Did It with Cheney & Mueller [New Book Indicts FBI In Detail]

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Matthew Jamison: The End of Israel (Says Henry Kissinger), The End of the US-Israel Alliance — Zionism Strike 16?

Why the US-Israel Alliance Will Soon Be a Trouble for Both The recent shredding of over 70 years of American foreign policy with regards to the location of the US Embassy in the State of Israel has been a major catastrophic inflection point in the tortured history of the State of Israel, the Arab-Israeli conflict …

Joachim Hagopian: Israel is the organ harvesting and human trafficking global ringleader, with complicit help from US and Turkey

Israel is the organ harvesting and human trafficking global ringleader, with complicit help from US and Turkey Israel is at the top. It has tentacles reaching out worldwide… [Israeli organ traffickers] had and still have a pyramid system at work that’s awesome… they have brokers everywhere, bank accounts everywhere; they’ve got recruiters, they’ve got translators, …