Owl: All Young Men Will Join ISIS-Like Elements — No Use for Young Men in the USA, a Prescription for Violent Revolution

What Will the Young Men Do? Author on peak oil James William Kunstler answers this question from the context of social, cultural and environmental collapse the 1% of the 1% are strenuously engineering to bring about. This article shows his courage in taking on a theme that all mainstream media and punditry completely ignore: what …

Reflections: UNASUR – The Revolution Begins

Robert Steele: UNASUR – The Revolution Begins The headquarters of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) is now complete and being inaugurated in Quito, Ecuador on 5 and 6 December 2014. I was just in Ecuador, delivering a briefing on the importance of civil-military relations in professionalizing intelligence. That briefing is available free online …

Sepp Hasslberger: Graphene Revolutionizes Energy

Membranes of graphene – single atom layer carbon “sheets” – have unexpected and rather unusual properties that seem set to enable several new technologies Scientists predict green energy revolution after incredible new graphene discoveries The breakthrough raises the prospect of extracting hydrogen fuel from air and burning it as a carbon-free source of energy in …

Robert Steele: Reflections on the Next Data Revolution

I was  glad to respond to an invitation to write “Beyond Data Monitoring,” a Background Paper for the UN International Expert Advisory Group (IEAG) on the Data Revolution, co-chaired by Robin Li of Baidu, which is good, with Open Source represented by Tim “algorithms rule” O’Reilly, which is bad. Although the paper gained no traction …