Berto Jongman: Open Source Revolution – Three Ways Humanity Will Never Be the Same

Open Source Revolution – 3 Ways Humanity Will Never Be The Same Jeffrey Jaxen Waking Times, 9 November 2014 Taking a pulse check of the conscious awakening of humanity on all levels, it is sometimes difficult to describe the feelings and experiences we are all encountering. As covered in the recent documentary Collective Evolution III, …

Stefan Molyneux: Bitcoin vs. Political Power – The Cryptocurrency Revolution — To Limit Money Is To Limit Political Power!

When governments can print money, they do not have to ask the people to make choices. Tip of the Hat to Tom Miller of Unlimited You Education. Phi Beta Iota: The Automated Payment Transaction (APT) Tax that remains central to Robert Steele’s vision for an honest balanced government in the USA, is an alternative to …

Review: Revolution

Russell Brand 5.0 out of 5 stars Brilliant, Intricate, Non-Violent, and Optimistic, November 4, 2014 In relation to the 2,000 plus non-fiction books I have reviewed here at Amazon, this book is brilliant. Normally I would consider giving it four stars for lacking an index and endnotes, obviously needed for the poorly educated morons that …

SchwartzReport: Climate Change + Concentrated Wealth = Violence. Revolution USA is Coming. Any Questions?

There are going to be many unanticipated consequences arising from climate change, here is one that is just beginning to surface. Our failure to take what is happening to our planet seriously is going to come at great cost to human civilization. And this may be part of the reason the police have been militarized. …

Robert Steele: REVOLUTION! The Open Source Everything Action Handbook [New Book, Winter Project]

My recent attendance at Findhorn’s New Story Summit, combined with my reading of two books, Micah Sifry’s The Big Disconnect: Why the Internet Hasn’t Transformed Politics (Yet) and Darrell West’s Billionaires: Reflections on the Upper Crust, have come together to inspire a new book that seeks to unify the tribes with open source tools and …