J. C. Cole: American Gray Swans – April 2021 #2,,“Almost Totally F..ked Now!”

We are almost totally F..ked now. Sorry about the language, I just get a tad upset at the willful destruction of our country by administrative morons. So in the infinite wisdom of the Alzheimer Patient in the White House he just signed an Executive Order to assemble the most incompetent and inefficient team possible to …

Trent Loos: Are Environmental Laws a Prelude to Genocide?

How closely are we currently following the food production model of the National Socialist Party, Germany? True historians are now reporting that a government that gives legal protection to dogs, rats, wolves and cattle while systematically rounding up millions of human beings for slaughter is not compassionate about anything but power. Read full article.

J. C. Cole: American Gray Swans – March 2021 #4 Lights Out NYC!

DO NOT MISS THE #UNRIG TRUTH TOUR! https://bigbatusa.org 15 May to 6 September — EPIC! Three Russian nuclear submarines surface within a reported 15 minute missile range of NYC and a video sent to NATO showing the Russians opening three ICBM missile hangers all in one week. Do you think the Russians are trying to …