Robert Steele: COVID-19 Lies, COVID-19 Treason + Links to YouTube Censored #UNRIG Videos on Fake Pandemic at BitChute

Zero Hedge: The COVID-19 Data Is A “Travesty” I nailed all this in mid-February 2020 in my article for Tehran Times (one of the places Zionists and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) cannot censor me: Robert Steele in Tehran Times: Interview A Counterintelligence Perspective on the Wuhan Virus – A Zionist Bio-War False Flag Attack? Videos …

Mongoose: COVID Assuredly 5G and Multi-Vector in Nature — And Likely Criminal Activity by Vaccine Makers — We Are Entering Full Genocide – Other Atrocity Mode

As Covid-19 Surges, the Big Unknown Is Where People Are Getting Infected The U.S. and Europe struggle to identify where coronavirus infections are occurring, making it hard to impose targeted restrictions Alert reader comments: I am pretty certain that CV is multi-axially induced by the RNA fragments which invade and hijack the victims nasal and …

Cosmic Agency: COVID-19 Virus Hoax – Does Not Exist! Do Not Take the Vaccine, It Has Been Weaponized

COSMIC AGENCY:  COVID-19 VIRUS IS A HOAX – IT DOES NOT EXIST! According to the Taygeteans, there is no virus and never was one.  The current pandemic is a HOAX.  It is a psyop of global magnitude, designed and carried out in total coordination by the controlled media. There never has been any weaponized version …