Berto Jongman: New UNEP Synthesis Provides Blueprint to Urgently Solve Planetary Emergencies and Secure Humanity’s Future

New UNEP Synthesis Provides Blueprint to Urgently Solve Planetary Emergencies and Secure Humanity’s Future Meeting ramped-up climate and biodiversity targets, cutting deadly pollution and achieving SDGs needs an all-society push for sustainability Shifting world views and putting nature at the heart of decision-making is key to achieving transformative change COVID-19 recovery plans are an unmissable …

The Steele Report Questions Being Answered Today

10 Days I thought I heard somewhere that 10 days after Superbowl something epic will happen. Any idea of what this may have been and is there still time left to unfold? Antarctica What do you know about Antarctica and why is it off limits to everyone except the elites?

Robert Steele: Update on Pedophilia & Empire Project

All prior posts on the Pedophilia & Empire project have been deleted from Phi Beta Iota. (also is the home base. Please do subscriber over there if you want updates on this important topic that is now assigned its own website. Below are two recent chapters that are especially pertinent to the Supreme …

Art Kleiner: The Felt-Fair Economy and the Future of Economic Confidence

THE FELT-FAIR ECONOMY AND THE FUTURE OF ECONOMIC CONFIDENCE By Art Kleiner Introduction In the 1940s, Elliott Jaques – an eminent and original organizational theorist, and the person who coined the terms “corporate culture” and “midlife crisis” – introduced a management metric he called “felt-fair pay.” He interviewed thousands of employees at hierarchical organizations around …