Martin Armstrong: Video (6:44) CIA Ability to Hack the Vote (Brennan McInerney Validated by Armstrong)

The CIA Ability to Hack the Vote Includes video (6:44) I have independent sources that have long confirmed that this is absolutely spot on. This is something neither Russia nor China could do because they lack the infrastructure that the CIA/NSA has established with taps directly into the trunk lines for communications. Moreover, that was …

State of the Nation: Are Bill Gates and Mike Bloomberg America’s Top Traitors? Is the Fake Pandemic Their Death Warrant?

The Brothers Grim: Bill and Mike’s Pandemic Panopticon “The Good Club” has been working out a new global economic system, one that is biocapitalist in nature. I talk about it here. Open Society (Soros also a member of the club) paid for the Chicago boys to create neoliberal human capital equations for the coming futures commodity …

Berto Jongman: Integrating Information in Joint Operations (IIJO)

Email dated 27 October 2020 To the SMA Community, At the request of Headquarters US Air Force (HAF), SMA initiated a study to address how the Joint Force can best understand and integrate information and influence into its activities across the competition continuum. The attached 5×8 for the Integrating Information in Joint Operations (IIJO) effort …

Pastor Brown: Robert Steele’s Localized Made in America Open Source Vision

“Without a vision, the people perish.” Proverbs 28:18 Implement the Open Source Agency and execute my vision for using Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE) combined with holistic analytics and true cost economics for create a localized self-sustainable economy at the county level at a fraction of the cost of the failed globalist model that is …

Martin Armstrong: Food Crisis, Lockdowns, War — By Design of Bill Gates & Klas Schwab

Here is a video of people staving in a food panic in Jos, Nigeria. This is what Big Tech and mainstream media will hide. They cannot be this stupid to impose lockdowns that have reduced the food supply on a massive scale. People are starving in parts of Africa where Gates has been so concerned …

BREAKING: Martin Armstrong on US Political Corruption — And Why Trump Makes Sense

There are TWO MAJOR types of People who Want to be President All Republics collapse into oligarchies as ours is doing right now. They control both sides of the aisle and they will do whatever they need to do to win. I do not write out of theory. I have actually been in meeting on …