Robert Steele: Breaking the Silence Against the Zionist Criminal State’s Occupation of the USA and Palestine

I have been flooded with positive emails from patriots every since I published Robert Steele: On the Zionist Parasite — America First Demands An End to Israel First (Treason) UPDATE on Zionist Funding & Control of Black Lives Matters, Pieczenik Video (7:13) and did this interview #UNRIG Video (53:10) Shaun Attwood Famous Crime Author & …

Robert Steele: On the Zionist Parasite — America First Demands An End to Israel First (Treason) UPDATE on Zionist Funding & Control of Black Lives Matters, Pieczenik Video (7:13)

SHORT URL: A very erudite and principled individual, albeit poorly informed on the matter of the Zionist parasite in the USA, led me to believe that President Donald Trump will never accept help from Cynthia McKinney (or me) because of our deep-seated views on the matter of Zionism as a parasite that has hollowed …

Robert Steele: Jared Kushner is Destroying Donald Trump

Trump Is Losing the White Vote with Jared Kushner’s Agenda ROBERT STEELE: Read the whole excellent article loaded with valuable links. Man-child Jared Kushner, a third-rate intellect with zero ethics, and an agent of multiple foreign powers to boot, is destroying the President’s prospects for a second term. There are exactly four things the President …

Robert Steele: Time for Pence to Go? Will Trump Campaign Implode? Or Can Trump Triumph All Ways?

Time for Pence to jump ship? “Brad Really S–t the Bed Saturday Night”: After Tulsa Catastrophe, Parscale—And Kushner—Is at the Top of Trump’s Hit List I have been calling for the dismissal of Pence for a long time. Replacing him with Nikki Haley would be a catastrophic mistake. Dr. Cynthia McKinney remains the only one …

Robert Steele: Is Brad Parscale Going to Betray Donald Trump?

The absence of professional intelligence and counterintelligence officers on Team Trump continues to cause me concern.  It should have been a huge red flag when over a hundred thousand people signed up for 19,000 seats, and most of them did not have legitimate addresses in the Tulsa, Oklahoma or adjacent states area. TikTok Teens and …

THE STEELE REPORT ULTRA TOP SECRET: Questions answered today 1300 Eastern

The Steele Report provides a 2,500-5,000 word text overview at the Presidential level each Monday at 0800 Eastern, and a one-hour private video answering subscriber questions each Saturday at 1300 Eastern. SPY IMPROV was established at Hackers on Planet Earth. See past sessions at YouTube. Below are the subscriber questions that will be answered on …