Robert Steele: The Second American Revolution – Abbreviated Reflections

The Second American Revolution – Abbreviated Reflections Russian International Affairs Council 26 November 2018 I had occasion recently to engage with the thinking of the very talented Professor Igor Panarin, a most distinguished Russian intelligence officer and strategic forecaster, and today the dean of the Russian school for future diplomats. In 1998 he predicted the …

Chuck Spinney: Event 14 November, Screening of Who Killed LT Van Dorn?

I am pleased to announce the Washington premier of an important investigative documentary film. “Who Killed Lt. Van Dorn,” will premier on November 14 at 7 PM in Landmark’s E Street Cinema, located at 555 11th Street NW, Washington DC  Attached FYI is the official flyer by the sponsors of this premier. This superb documentary …

Berto Jongman: CIA Claims It Lost Dozens of Spies in China and Iran to Failed Google Covert Communications (Robert Steele Comments: BULLSHIT — This is a Cover Story for Not Having Any Spies in Those Countries)

Dozens of US spies killed after Iran and China uncovered CIA messaging service using Google One former official claiming that “our biggest insider threat is our own institution”. The CIA’s communications suffered a catastrophic compromise. It started in Iran. Yahoo News’ reporting on this global communications failure is based on conversations with eleven former U.S. …

Robert Steele: Synagogue False Flag — Baloney — FEMA Legalized Lies UPDATE 17: Synagogue Business as Usual…No Bio-Hazards?

SHORT URL: UPDATE 17: Synagogue opens quickly for business as usual, no problem with the alleged bio-hazards that would have kept it closed for a week to ten days. Note also two competing cover stories, one from New York one from Pittsburgh, of two different groups claiming to be responsible for the ritual cleaning.

Robert Steele: 10 Moves To Hold the House UPDATE 10: Lost House, Some Good News

SHORT URL: UPDATE 10: GOP lost the House and that is probably for the best — the NeverTrumpers from the GOP are the ones that were flushed out. Control of the Senate increased and that assures a flood of conservative Justices. MID-TERM SPECIAL: Trump Triumphs — Senate, Justices, Never-Trumpers Gone from House — Deep …