Jean James: International Declaration on Information and Democracy: principles for the global information and communication space

This announcement not only  takes issue with government propaganda, but explicitly addresses the censorship and manipulation that have been characteristic of what some call #GoogleGestapo — the platforms that have been censoring and manipulating data and digitally assassinating tens of thousands of sources and millions of specific posts and videos. International Declaration on Information and …

Mongoose: Hillary Clinton Emails Reveal French Goals in Invading Libya Include Termination of Gaddafi Gold-Backed Dinar as Primary African Currency

Hillary Emails Reveal NATO Killed Gaddafi to Stop Libyan Creation of Gold-Backed Currency The email in question was sent to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton by her unofficial adviser Sydney Blumenthal titled “France’s client and Qaddafi’s gold”. Read full article. RELATED: Hillary’s Dirty War in Libya: New Emails Reveal Propaganda, Executions, Coveting Libyan Oil and Gold

Scott Bennett: America’s Political Twilight Zone — Desperate False Flags — Author Fears Assassination of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez UPDATE 1: Nancy Pelosi Hates Her…Risk Remains

AMERICA’S POLITICAL TWILIGHT ZONE Scott Bennett Former U.S. Army PSYOP Officer-State Counterterrorism Contractor The recent alleged incidents of the Khashoggi murder, the migrant-refugee invading “caravan” from Central America, the pipe-bomb mailings to leftist-democrat figures, and the Jewish synagogue shooting must be viewed as parts of a larger whole to discern both the direction and momentum …

Ed Jewett: The Illegal Invaders Caravan and the Protocols of Zion

Protocols It is not debatable that the ‘caravan’ isn’t the coincidental and unorganized decision of thousands of people to simultaneously take a long walk to the United States.  Just the logistical aspect of looking after this many people in a rolling march through Central America would be very complicated, and very expensive.  When you add …

Berto Jongman: Charles Hugh Smith on Shadow Banning and Digital Assassination by #GoogleGestapo

Shadow Banning Is Just the Tip of the Iceberg: We’re All Digital Ghosts Now If you do a search of shadow banning, you’ll find sites that claim to help you identify whether Twitter or Instagram has shadow banned your account. The basic idea of shadow banning is to spoof the shadow-banned user into believing their public posts are visible to …

Robert Steele: Synagogue False Flag — Baloney — FEMA Legalized Lies UPDATE 17: Synagogue Business as Usual…No Bio-Hazards?

SHORT URL: UPDATE 17: Synagogue opens quickly for business as usual, no problem with the alleged bio-hazards that would have kept it closed for a week to ten days. Note also two competing cover stories, one from New York one from Pittsburgh, of two different groups claiming to be responsible for the ritual cleaning.