Owl: Rothschild Owned Banks Include World Bank and IMF — Time to Shut Them Down?

Someone compiled a comprehensive list of all Rothschild-owned banks from around the world. The article notes: “There are two Megabanks that offer loans to all the countries around the planet, the World Bank and the IMF. The first one is jointly owned by the world’s top banking families, with the Rothschilds at the very top, …

Answers for Tasnim News Agency on Grand Strategy in Relation to Assassination of Scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh – And Could He Have Defected?

Death of ‘Zionist Israel’ Sweetest Revenge for Killing of Top Iran Scientist: Ex-CIA Officer Tasnim News Agency, 30 November 2020 UPDATE at End: 3Day3Nights posits defection rather than assassination. Below is the complete four question interview with full answers and four graphics not included in the editorially stunted version above.

Matt Tabbi: Local Legal Systems Fuck Public For Money

Shit Public Defenders See: Innocent, But Fined The state of Iowa collects millions of dollars in fines from people whose charges were dismissed. There’s also a Catch-22: financially, you’re better off guilty Phi Beta Iota: Corrupt justice as a local revenue stream.

Ed Jewett: US Government Argues It Can Kill US Citizens “At Will” and Without Due Process — We Do Not Make This Shit Up!

Government Argues In Court That It Can Kill US Citizens At Will With Zero Judicial Oversight The federal government is back in court, arguing for its unilateral right to kill US citizens. Two journalists who had appeared to have been mistakenly targeted by drone strikes sued the government in 2017, seeking an injunction forbidding their …

Robert Steele: Is Sidney Powell Going to Be In Charge of Treason Tribunals?

I have no direct knowledge  and Sidney has not confirmed this by email. Her website is over-whelmed by people all over the world, not just in the USA, trying to donate.  Don”t give up, please do donate: http://defendingtherepublic.org/ Here are three mind-boggling sources — not confirmed by Sidney or anyone else — that suggest she …

Yoda: Cultural History from a Nordic Source – Black Nobility Using Zionists?

Reading this worthy of. These comments to describe the perspective needed to both understand and communicate the above texts and loinks – due to the History behind the OCTOGON, founded in 1050 – when the old Gaius-family of Rome succeeded to tear down the Allied Forces of the Nordic Kingdoms and thus conquer ALL of …