Michael Bauwens: We could build an open Twitter, but would anyone use it?

We could build an open Twitter, but would anyone use it? Mathew Ingram GigaOm, Jul. 4, 2012 Amid the recent brouhaha over Twitter’s future — which some say is aimed at restricting what developers can do with the real-time information network, in an attempt to monetize it more easily — a number of critics have proposed …

20120705 Open Source Everything Highlights

Open Source Everything 20120704 Open Source Everything Highlights The Open-Source Everything Manifesto (NCDD Resource Center) Open Source A Tale Of Open Source Ecoscape / Open Source Architecture Linux and Open Source (Malaysia)  Red Hat Pathway To Help Enterprises Realise Open Source Business Value Singapore inches toward open source Steve Kondik, progenitor of CyanogenMOD, speaks about …

20120703 Open Source Everything Highlights

Open Source Everything Google Plus: Michel Bauwens Yesterday 12:20 AM  –  interesting conversation …(about author’s new book) Open Source Open World (with Graphic) Reality Sandwich: The Open Source Everything Manifesto Worth a Look: Open Source Everything Business Software Open Source Equinox Wants Open Source Skeptics Bacula4Hosts Launches Commercial, Open Source Disk Based Backup and Recovery …

P2P Foundation Features The Open Source Everything Manifesto

Open-Source Everything Manifesto * Book: The Open-Source Everything Manifesto: Transparency, Truth, and Trust. By Robert David Steele. Evolver, 2012. URL = http://phibetaiota.net/2012/06/buy-today-the-open-source-everything-manifesto-transparency-truth-trust-the-meme-the-mind-set-and-the-method/ Contents Phi Beta Iota: This will be an on-going page. To be included in the P2P Foundation wiki is a huge blessing that will bring the work to the attention of tens of …